
domingo, 23 de octubre de 2011

II Simposio internacional de minas con cuevas (mine caves). Mas informacion

Ya tenemos disponible mas informacion al respecto de este interesantisimo congreso que tendra lugar en Cerdeña, del 26 al 29 de Abril de 2012


algunos datos de interes:


The subscription fee allows to participate to the scientific sessions, the field trips, the closing dinner and to receive the Book of Abstracts and the conference material.

Participation in field trips cannot be requested during the Symposium.

Full registration before January 31, 2012: 150 Euro
Full registration after January 31, 2012: 180 Euro (comprising closing dinner, field trips if not already fully booked, Book of Abstracts and conference proceedings)
One day registration: 20 Euro (no closing dinner and field trips)
Closing dinner: 50 Euro (to be paid before the evening of April 27, 2012)
Conference proceedings (volume delle Memorie dell'Istituto Italiano di Speleologia): 30 Euro

Important dates

January 31st 2012 Abstract submission deadline
February 20th 2012 Confirmation of acceptance
July 3rd 2012 Final papers

mas informacion:

Federazione Speleologica Sarda:


FSS President:


Scientific Secretariat:



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